Take Care of Your Back During Holiday Travel

This time of year can bring the excitement of the holidays, a much needed break from the usual busy schedule, and the joy of seeing family. Unfortunately, it can also mean lots of travel – and all of the hassle that comes with it. Another bad thing about traveling is that it can leave you in pain. Between flying, driving, and sleeping on a mattress you’re not used to, you may end up spending the holidays with a lot of back pain!
Are you prone to back pain?
Traveling can mean back pain, even if you don’t have a serious back problem and you’re not prone to such issues. But you can try a few tips for back care as you travel:
• Plan ahead. Stress can make your back start to hurt before you even head out on your travels. Planning ahead can help – for example, head out to the airport with plenty of time to spare in case there are long lines or you are stuck in traffic on the way there.
• Take care of yourself at the airport. Don’t be afraid to ask for help with those heavy bags. If you are standing in line, try propping your foot up on your bag to decrease stress to your back.
• Plan on taking driving breaks. When you’re driving a long way, you may be tempted just to drive without stopping! But stopping the car every hour or so to get out and stretch can save your back from becoming stiff and sore.
• Make your bed more comfortable. Whether you are at a hotel or at a family member’s house, the odds are very good that the mattress just won’t be as comfortable as the one you have at home. If you are a side sleeper, put a pillow between your knees, and if you are a back sleeper, pillows under your knees may help.
Don’t let back pain ruin your holidays – take care of yourself! If you come home from traveling and you find that your back ache won’t go away, contact Specialty Orthopaedics for a consultation! Call the office in Harrison, New York, at 914-686-0111, for an appointment today!